
I share the sentiment of all wanderers around the world. People, places and creations have inspired in us an urgency to explore and seek what fulfills our hearts. We seek adventure in times of boredom; peace in chaotic instances; wisdom in perilous environments; affection in lonely and solitary moments; happiness in all our endeavors. We look forward to opportunites that satisfy the emptiness in our souls and strive to maintain the spice in our lives. Otherwise, life would be a blur.

My life is filled with questions and thoughts that await to be pondered. I have books and issues lined up in my notes hoping to be written. Some have already been lost due to lack of diligence. Yet, to this day, I painfully strive to remember and reconstruct the forgotten treasures. Unacknowledged gifts tend to leave. And I would forever regret having missed them.

This site is devoted to the musings that I have kept in the box.

One Response to “About”

  1. I’m visiting thru The Bloggers Exchang-Feb/Mar Program. Hope you visit me back. Thanks!

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